processmapping & design4

Why the design phase within CLIMB is essential

With our years of experience and the unique Cleanroom Implementation Blueprint (CLIMB), we offer your organization the guidance and support needed for a successful project journey. In this blog, we dive into the crucial design phase of CLIMB and explain why this phase is vital to the success of cleanroom projects.

What is CLIMB?

CLIMB stands for Cleanroom Implementation Blueprint. It is our unique approach to guiding and supporting cleanroom projects from concept to implementation and even beyond. With CLIMB, we provide a structured roadmap designed to guide organizations through the entire cleanroom process, from the initial steps of process mapping to ongoing monitoring of the operational cleanroom.

The impact of design

The design phase within CLIMB is essential to laying a solid foundation for any cleanroom project. Therefore, this phase involves more than just sketching a floor plan; it is a comprehensive analysis and step-by-step elaboration that ensures that the design takes optimal account of safety and quality requirements in accordance with PIC/s. Let's dive into some crucial elements of the design process.

processmapping & design4

Cleanroom floor plan = check! Now what? 

Quality control and error prevention

Another critical role is to perform quality checks. Advipro carefully verifies that the developed floor plan meets cGMP standards and is in compliance with regulations, including PIC/S and Eudralex Volume 4. In other words, we verify that the design is optimally worked out in order to perform the activities in the safest and highest quality manner possible. Incorrect design decisions can later have a major negative impact on functionality and safety within the cleanroom.

Our expertise allows us to identify and correct potential design errors and shortcomings before they become costly problems. For example, it verifies that separation of activities are correctly penciled in, waste flow is correct, there is sufficient space for storage of product and material according to zoning, etc.

This not only ensures a higher level of quality, but also saves time and resources in the long run.

Advipro's design review checklist

Advipro has developed its own design review checklist within CLIMB, , which is continuously updated to check every detail in the design against the cGMP and regulations, making any necessary comments, recommendations or questions. This ensures that all aspects of the design meet the highest standards. This systematic approach allows us to guarantee the quality and compliance of the design.


The design phase within CLIMB is a crucial step for the success of cleanroom projects. Through early involvement, in-depth quality checks, use of visual aids and close collaboration, we ensure an efficient and effective project process.

At Advipro, we are proud to support organizations in their pursuit of perfection in cleanroom environments. With CLIMB, you are assured of a structured and reliable approach that will take your cleanroom project to new heights. Contact us via the button below to find out how we can support you with your cleanroom project.